Your decision to look into the Catholic Church is your response to Jesus’ invitation to come to know him through this community. Jesus is inviting you into a personal relationship with him.
The process of coming to know Him more deeply usually results in a change of heart, or a conversion in our way of thinking and acting. Immaculate Conception and Assumption of Our Lady wishes to help you grow in your faith!
Our goal is not to fill your mind with facts about the Catholic Church: “Why do Catholics genuflect?” or “Why do Catholics pray the Rosary?”
Our goal is to help you discover the meaning behind the facts and put them in your life. We will support you on your faith journey as you learn what Catholics believe and as your friendship with Jesus grows.
The OCIA, formerly RCIA, is a process of coming to know Jesus Christ on a more personal level, a process of deeper growth and commitment, a process that continues long after you are initiated into the Catholic Church. Part of the journey is discovering your readiness to make that commitment to Christ in and through the Catholic Church. We will celebrate your journey in faith by celebrating various rituals described below.
The OCIA is a process and not a program, so the time frame is flexible according to the needs of the individual, preparing to be received into the life of the Church.
For those who are not acquainted with Christian traditions and the Christian way of life, the period of preparation can be a year or even longer. For those more familiar with the Christian tradition, the process may be shorter.
This stage of the OCIA is a time of unhurried reflection and discovery, whereby a person begins to search out God's call to enter more fully into the life of the Church. Helping the inquirer in this process are members of our own parish family who form the OCIA team.
Team members meet weekly with the inquirers, helping them to discern God's calling through encouragement, prayer, and the sharing of their own faith stories.
Once the inquirer decides to enter into the next step in the process which leads to full initiation into the life of the Church, they move into the second stage of their formation via the Rite of Acceptance. Now an inquirer is called either a catechumen or a candidate.
During this time of formation, the faith of the catechumen or candidate is deepened through prayer, reflection and instruction on God's word at weekly Monday meetings.
The first Sunday of Lent, the catechumens and candidates at the Rite of Election are presented to Archbishop Cardinal Dolan. The period after this rite is a time of purification for the catechumen, the candidate, and indeed for the entire parish community.
The focus is on the call to reform our lives according to the demands of the gospel. At the conclusion of this period, the catechumens and the candidates are initiated into the Catholic Church during the Easter Vigil.
This is the time set aside to help the new members enter more fully into the mystery celebrated at the Easter Vigil and at every Mass. The Greek word mystagogy means "entering into the mystery." This phase, which occurs after Easter, marks a time when those who have become full members of the Church now have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the mystery of the faith.
A GODPARENT is a person you choose to accompany you in the rituals that will bring you into the Catholic Church (specifically, the Rite of Election and the rites of initiation at the Easter Vigil) and who will also accompany you during the period of the mystagogy.