At the request of Cardinal Dolan, our parish will be praying a Novena to Saint Michael the Archangel after every Mass beginning on Friday, September 21 through Saturday, September 29, his Feast day. Please click the title for the Prayer as well as an article from Cardinal Dolan.
Boys and Girls tryouts for the upcoming ICS CYO 2018-19 basketball season are 9/23-28. Click the title for more info and learn how to register for tryouts.
Timothy Cardinal Dolan and Msgr. Gregory Mustaciuolo, Vicar General, have appointed and approved Fr. Sorgie’s selections, who will serve as Parish Trustees for this Parish Year beginning September 1, 2018 until August 31, 2019. Ms. Jeanne Altenau, member of the Finance Council, and Mr. Gerard Colaio, President of the Pastoral Council, have been named.