There are special questions today in regards to marriage. The first is In vitro fertilization. It is a very difficult situation when a young couple cannot conceive a child naturally. Some turn to in vitro fertilization as a solution to the problem. The first thing we have to remember is that children are not a right to marriage. No one has a right over another human being, not even an infant. Children are a gift from God. As reproductive technology becomes more powerful, artificial conception is not morally acceptable. Why? To read the rest of the article, click the title.
An annulment is a canonical investigation, to determine as humanly as possible, that the sacramental bond of marriage, which should have taken effect, never took place. The Bond of Marriage is presumed to have taken effect. The contrary has to be proven in a Court of Church law. There has to be something that blocks the sacramental bond either in the consent (intellectual knowledge of marriage, or the other person) and or the freedom of choosing you to be my spouse. How free, how mature, how much do I know about you and your values and ideas about marriage? To read the whole article, click the title.
The Immaculate Conception and Assumption Parishes offer a Bereavement Support Group Group for men and women who have suffered the loss of a loved one. Led by trained facilitators who offer encouragement and compassion, this faith based support group will explore the experience of loss and grieving. Do not grieve alone! Click the title for more information.