In the original Greek text of the Gospel (Matthew 5:32), the Lord uses the word PORNEIA which means 'illicit or unnatural relations' as the only exception to the permanence of marriage (which in reality means there was no valid marriage if it was an unnatural union, as in the case of incest or homosexuality, bestiality). However, the Greek word MOICHEIA means 'adultery' but that word is NOT used. Hence, adultery, while still a serious and mortal sin, does not itself invalidate a marriage (unless the person NEVER intended to enter a faithful union from the day of their wedding vows.) To read the remainder of the article, click the title.
The state has the right and obligation to protect its citizens, to enact laws that helps the common good. Marriage affects society, the rearing of new citizens (children) and their education. Marriage is not an absolute right. The right to marriage is governed, for example, one cannot marry one’s sister or a 6 year old. There are civil effects of the marriage contract. A license must be had to marry. The decree of divorce states that the civil union between the two is no longer bound. They are civically divorce. The Sacramental bond is never touched or mentioned, nor recognized by the State. To read the remainder of the article, click the title.
• Marriage is a verbal covenant (an agreement based on love) between a male and female. Marriage reflects a deep reality – the reality of the unique, fruitful, lifelong union that is only possible between a man and a woman. • Marriage is God’s first and immediate gift after the creation of Man and Woman. • Marriage is the lifelong partnership of mutual and exclusive fidelity between a man and a woman ordered by its very nature to the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of children. To read the rest of the article, click the title.
It is important to remember that Social Engineering is preceded by Verbal Engineering. We change vocabulary, spin words, we use misleading arguments, we personally attack the speaker or writer and not the argument to change the thinking of society. If we say it long enough, people will accept it without critical thinking, which sadly is at a great minimum today. In America we have managed to do something extraordinary: we’ve managed to make marriage, the most basic of all social institutions, controversial.
In the late 1970s an unusual documentary film surfaced. When it was shown to London’s film critics, ‘Silent Witness’ caused consternation. Its subject matter was the Shroud of Turin – not a subject commonplace in a Britain then dealing with economic recession and punk rock. It was the first time a major documentary had emerged on that particular piece of cloth based on the then latest research, of which that decade had seen a flurry.
To be Catholic does not mean to join a team or a club. It is more how we choose to live, because of WHO we are. To be Catholic means that a person is a member of the Catholic Church, believes what the Church teaches, and does what Catholics do.