On Saturday November 7th, the men in Fourth Theology at St. Joseph’s seminary were ordained deacons. These were men who completed three years of Graduate studies in Theology at Dunwoodie from the Archdiocese of New York, Diocese of Brooklyn and the Diocese of Rockville Center. They will be ordained to the Order of the Priesthood in May 2016.
Genuflection is the placing of your right knee on the floor while keeping your back straight. This Roman custom was a sign of reverence and humility toward the Lord or Emperor. Since there is only one LORD Jesus Christ, Catholics use this practice when in the presence of the Eucharist or facing the Tabernacle. When you enter a Catholic Church you should always face the Tabernacle and genuflect whether you are passing the Altar or entering your pew.
Commit to asking Jesus for vocations to priestly and consecrated life. How? Sign up at the Invisible Monastery What is the Invisible Monastery? It is a group of people who agree to pray for vocations. Together they make up the Invisible Monastery!
Is RCIA Right for You? Is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults right for you? I have never been baptized and want to learn more about the Catholic faith. I was baptized in another Christian religion and now wish to become Catholic. I was baptized Catholic, but have not received any other sacraments and little if any religious instruction. I am married to a Catholic and attend Mass and would like to receive the sacraments. My kids are old enough to ask questions and I want to be able to practice what I preach and be a good role model. Recognize yourself in any of these statements? The RCIA journey just might be for you! Print and Mail to Fr. Sorgie: 53 Winter Hill Road, Tuckahoe, NY 10707 or call him at 961-3643 for more information. RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Parish of Immaculate Conception & Assumption of Our Lady
Our Common Church Practices I thought that I would do an article today that reminds us of some of our practices in Church that we should remind ourselves and teach our children: We dip our hands in Holy Water and bless ourselves as we enter and leave church to remind us of our Baptism. When Catholics enter or leave a church or chapel where the Blessed Sacrament is present we genuflect on our right knee or a profound bow at the waist. We should wear clothing in Church that is worthy of worshipping God. I just ask you to think about what you would wear if you had to spend an hour with the President. You and I have a greater than any president in our Church. Men and boys do not wear hats in church.