A glance can express and communicate many things. Did you ever wonder what it was like when Our Lord looked at a person, glanced at him or her? What was it like when His glance was felt to penetrate the deepest recesses of a person’s heart? His glance was often quite inviting and tender; but it could also be strong and quite challenging. One glance from our Lord and St. Matthew, the tax collector, was moved to leave everything behind and follow Him. Click title to continue.
“The family is a place of discernment, where we learn to recognize God’s plan for our lives and to embrace it with trust,” the Pope said. “It is a place of gratuitousness, of discreet fraternal presence and solidarity, a place where we learn to step out of ourselves and accept others, to forgive and to be forgiven.” “Every family is always a light, however faint, amid the darkness of this world.” Vatican City, Oct 3, 2015 – Pope Francis Speaking the night before the opening of the Synod on the Family, he called on Synod participants – many of whom were present – to “acknowledge, esteem, and proclaim all that is beautiful, good and holy” in the family, and “embrace situations of vulnerability and hardship: war, illness, grief, wounded relationships and brokenness, which create distress, resentment and separation.”