Fr. Silva has been asked to return to Sri Lanka to serve as president of a college in Colombo. He will be leaving the parish on Thursday, January 14. We thank him for his service and wish him a safe trip home. Please click the title for more information.
The Archdiocese of New York has asked every parish to implement measures to limit the capacity of the church, as mandated by the Government, for the Masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Please click the title for more information.
The opening of our long-awaited, new Parish Center began with the move of all Parish Offices out of the Rectory on Thursday, October 15. Please click the title for more information.
The full-day activities include veneration of Padre Pio's relics, conferences about Padre Pio, a Mass in his honor, a benefit concert, and a private four-course Pugliese dinner. These events are being coordinated by the Saint Pio Foundation. Registrations are required. To register and for more information, click the title.
Our parish will be celebrating the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on Friday, June 19 with our regular Masses, an opportunity for Confession, and time for Adoration. Click the title for more information.
We are happy to announce that, effective Tuesday, June 9, Immaculate Conception Church and Assumption Church will be open for Sunday Masses, Weekday Masses, Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, and Memorial Masses. Please click the title for more information.
We are happy to announce that, effective Tuesday, June 9, Immaculate Conception Church and Assumption Church will be open for Weekday Masses, Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, and Memorial Masses. Please click the title for more information.
Travel with our Parish to Historic Washington, D.C. on May 8-9, 2020. Enrollment deadline is February 15. It is only $425 per person. Click the title for more information!
Our Parish has asked to accept Deacon Luis Silva to serve at our Parish on weekends beginning on Saturday, November 16 and concluding on Sunday, April 26. Please click the title for more information on Deacon Luis!
Join Fr. Sorgie on a River Cruise down the Rhine River from October 31 to November 9, 2019. Stops in the Netherlands, Germany, France, and Switzerland. Click the title for more information and a link to the brochure.
You are invited to attend a special 10-day pilgrimage, which will be led by Fr. Anthony Sorgie, through Bavaria and Austria on Sept. 16 - 25, 2020. A highlight of the trip will be the 2020 Passion Play. Only 5 spaces remain. Click the title for more information.
On December 1, 2018 Cardinal Timothy Dolan assigned Fr. Lakmin Silva to be Parochial Vicar here at Immaculate Conception and Assumption of Our Lady Parish. We welcome him and ask God’s choicest blessings upon his priestly ministry among us. Click the title for a brief autobiography.
You are invited to join us on a 10-day choir pilgrimage to Italy, led by Fr. Anthony Sorgie from June 26 - July 5, 2019. There will be stops in Rome, Vatican City, Capri, Sorrento, and Amalfi. Click the title for more information. Update: All spots have been reserved - 1/19/19
At the request of Cardinal Dolan, our parish will be praying a Novena to Saint Michael the Archangel after every Mass beginning on Friday, September 21 through Saturday, September 29, his Feast day. Please click the title for the Prayer as well as an article from Cardinal Dolan.
Boys and Girls tryouts for the upcoming ICS CYO 2018-19 basketball season are 9/23-28. Click the title for more info and learn how to register for tryouts.
Timothy Cardinal Dolan and Msgr. Gregory Mustaciuolo, Vicar General, have appointed and approved Fr. Sorgie’s selections, who will serve as Parish Trustees for this Parish Year beginning September 1, 2018 until August 31, 2019. Ms. Jeanne Altenau, member of the Finance Council, and Mr. Gerard Colaio, President of the Pastoral Council, have been named.
Do it before August 15, when the $50.00, late fee applies! PREP Classes Are: * Tuesdays from 4:15-5:30 PM * Wednesdays from 4:15-5:30 PM * Wednesdays from 6:45-8:00 PM
August 13-17 Vacation Bible Camp! From 8:45 AM-11:45 AM in the Lower Church! Cost: $75.00 per child in Grades 1-6. Do Not Delay! Camper Registration will Remain open until July 24th! Teen Registration Has Been Closed! Adult Volunteers Welcomed!